More Theme Switcher Fun

Published on 9 October 2003 in , , , ,

Right. Me crap. You know that theme switcher? The one on the right of the page? The one you’ve probably not even noticed yet alone tried? The one that I launched five days ago? The one that didn’t actually work in Internet Explorer? At all?

You see it did originally work in Internet Explorer – it worked perfectly. Well until I decided to re-write the code dramatically due to a desire not to have a single onclick in my code anywhere. So I implemented some event bubbling. And that’s where it all went wrong.

The revised JavaScript worked fine in Opera, I gave it the once over in Mozilla and even tested it in Konqueror! I just didn’t give it a whirl in the biggest (and least standards compliant) browser on the market – Internet Explorer.

Why I didn’t test it, I don’t know. I normally do. I build my stuff on my Linux box, test on there, then give it the once over on the laptop which runs Windows.

So I spent all morning trying to fix it, and ended up implementing a ridiculous bodge because Internet Explorer doesn’t handle event bubbling like every other browser does. What a way to begin my day off…

Even worse, whilst doing all this, I found out something even better – Mozilla was needlessly reloading the page rather than stopping after processing the JavaScript… ARGH!

So here I am, three hours later. It’s all fixed. It all works. I think. Yes.

The trauma of trying to get it working is not good for my sanity, and sorting that out was one of the reasons I took a day off work in the first place…